Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Year in the Himalayas

Here's the blueprint:We start by unwinding ourselves in Mukteshwar on December 25. My friend Monica Chand, a yoga exponent, has promised to take time off from Studio Abhyas in Delhi, to conduct special yoga sessions designed to de-stress and rejuvenate us daily through the holiday. In Mukteshwar, we use rest of our time to explore the serene beauty of the mountains, take long nature walks. Rock climbing and rappelling near the famous 'rock jaali' in Mukteshwar could be other alternatives. Next day we could go on a trek through dense Oak forest to the ancient 8th century Shiva temple in Kapileshwar. Trek to Almora on way to Jaageshwar is on next day. We stay in Jaageshwar for following four days. Besides the regular yoga sessions, we have an opportunity to explore the mountains around and also go sight-seeing. The ancient 10th century old Shiva temples here are a delight to visit. After a brush with history, the new year's eve sees us back in Mukteshwar to welcome the dawn of the new year in the Himalayas.

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