Away from the hustle and bustle of daily urban living, come and unwind with us.
The beauty of the vast expanse of the Himalayan range, makes you realize the divinity around. The divine expresses itself on the physical plane through beauty.
Take time out to explore nature’s bounty, the rich flora and fauna of Uttarakhand, by joining us for mountain walks, across the leopard trails, through the hill village of Sargakhet.
Come for a picnic near the brook that runs through our village. The sound of water rushing over the pebbles, will sooth your nerves, give you time for mental contemplation.
The beauty of the waterfall located at a distance of 1 and ½ hour trek down the hill will mesmerizes you, who knows, even inspire you to paint or pen down poetry.
Star gazing is a favourite with our guests at night, as you sit around the bonfire in front of the lodge, exchanging stories of your day time experiences with your friends and other guests. The Milky way and other constellations are all their waiting to draw your attention to the vastness of life and universe around.
Bird watching during the day is equally interesting a hobby you can indulge in. The chirping of the chakor, singing of the magpies, the maynas, jungle fowl, whistling thrush, babblers and not to miss the hill crow, all make you realize the beauty that is Nature.
Set your blood racing:
If the thrill of adventure is what you are seeking, stick with us. There is more.
Come for silent night walks through the woods in our property that is spread over several acres, keeping your ear to the ground for the sound of a leopard on the prowl or boar chasing its bedtime meal.
Test your nerves and body strength, with rock climbing (40-80 feet) at the famous Chauli ki Jaali at Mukteshwar, rappelling down to 150 feet or jumaring, practice archery -- some of the day time thrills we organize for our guests on regular basis.
We also organize motor-biking expeditions through Uttarakhand.

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